Saturday, April 19, 2008

Playtime Fun

Like any baby, one of Jaden's favorite things to do is play! He's paying more and more attention to the toys and he often talks to them! The orange lion is by far one of his favorites. This week he even started grabbing the lion's mane since it crinkles a lot!

And, per doctor's orders we're getting more and more tummy time in every day. It is going much better now that Jaden hold his head up a bit. He doesn't get frustrated quite as fast! Today for the first time he had the holding his head up thing down enough that he had some mental energy to spare and decided to look around wide-eyed!

Of course, Jaden is always talking a lot UNTIL I get out the camera. Then he gets surprisingly quiet! He was having fun with his rattle and his fist in this video. Just yesterday he would actually see his fist from a distance while he was waving it in the air. His eyes would then get real big and that fist would find it's way right into his mouth! Up until yesterday the fist just seemed to find it's way to the mouth but without the eyes noticing! Baby steps right!!!???

I'll have to get some help and get someone to video when we're "exercising." That gets some of the biggest smiles that I've seen yet! ;-)

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