Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent Calendar

Grandma found this Advent Calendar for a good price and had it sent here.
Jaden was immediately interested because he has the matching Nativity Set.

Each day we take one character out of the numbered pockets and put them into the stable. We're only on day 7 and for 4 days already Jaden has recounted every step of the story with us. Each day we review. He points out each of the characters and tells us what they are. Then we ask questions like.....
Who is Mary? - "the mommy to have a baby"
What is the baby's name? - "Jesus"
Who is Joseph? - "Mary's husband." Then he started adding, "and Daddy is YOUR husband mommy. And grandpa is YOUR husband grandma!"
Who rode the donkey? - "Mary"
Where did Mary and Joseph go? - "to Beth-el-ham"
Where did they stay? - "In a stable"

The last few days have been stable animals like cows, a horse and a goat. Tomorrow is the angel and the next day is the star......so we'll get to add a few more pieces into the story.

It amazes me how much he remembers and how clearly he understands and can explain it just through our simple little 5 minute activity and prayer.

Praise God!

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