Thursday, December 17, 2009


So, off and on we make a bet with a few of our friends at the mission. Whichever pair loses the bet (Stephen & I or Chris & Erin) has to make dinner for the other pair. We usually bet on things like sports games. Stephen says he wins either way. Chris has spent a lot of years as a professional chef and Erin always makes great desserts. Or, I make something extra special and we have them over.

Anyway....last time we bet.....Stephen and I won. It took a while to fit dinner into our crazy schedules so Chris kept joking that he was going to make us gourmet ramen.

Well....he did.
Ramen Antipasta Salad
Chicken Saltenbocca (or something like that) and a yummy dessert that I forgot to take a picture of.
oh - and he even made a special plate just for Jaden!

We've been winning a lot of the bets lately so I'm thinking we need to make another one! :-)

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