Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So, today I'm deciding that I don't like the heat and I'm a big fan of air conditioning! Is this pregnancy going to change my whole outlook on life and ALL of my preferences!??!!? Apparently it's only 95 out. A few weeks ago it was over 100 every day and I was doing fine. Maybe I just have a tolerance of only SO MANY hot days before I get tired of them. At least the skies have been really beautiful in El Paso the last few days. The last few evenings I have been out and about right around sunset. There have been BIG puffy clouds turning lots of pretty colors and one night the way the sun hit the mountains they sky looked purple and the mountains red! It was REALLY pretty! Anyway, I was just sitting here in the office, being hot, and thought maybe I should write about it!


  1. No Fair. You're supposed to call me when the sky is pretty.

  2. I never thought I'd hear you say you were tired of warm weather (okay, hot weather is a bit different :-) but as you know - what you experience, Baby Heimer experiences. So, if Baby Heimer is tired of warm weather too maybe you could appease him/her with a silly little song. Here it goes - to the tune of "BINGO"

    There was a time when it was hot
    And sunny was the weather.
    Sun, sun, all around,
    Sun, sun, all around,
    Sun, sun, all around,
    And sunny was the weather.

    Today the sun is in the sky,
    And sunny is the weather.
    S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y
    And sunny is the weather.

    AND regarding sunsets...I'm sure there in ElPaso they are indeed beautifully painted across the sky, especially with the mountains for a backdrop. But - we have some pretty nice ones over Lake Marion, here in Lakeville, Minnesota too - plug, plug :-)


  3. Krysia, You are so funny! I absolutely LOVE the baby pics. Aunt Kristie is ready for the baby pool!
