My sister in law and I found a book of great ideas of activities for preschoolers and we made up some project bags for our kids. I have yet to TOTALLY LOVE them, so maybe I'll post a review after we get through some more of them. Really, Jaden is too young for many of them still. I few more critical thinking skills and some letter knowledge and he'll be on a roll with them I'm sure.
In one of the bags we placed 100 straws and 50 paper clips - supposedly to build towers with. I'm not a preschooler - and I can't figure out how to do that yet. BUT, Jaden LOVES playing with the straws!
I decided to turn it into a sorting activity by color (see how I put one of each colored straw in each cup?)
Hey, quite a mess - but for just being straws, they can keep him entertained for upwards of 30 minutes at times!
Not too bad if I say so myself! it and look at the tongue.